What does it mean to be saved?

If you have ever wondered this question, you’re not alone. Everyone has questions about God and salvation. What are we saved from? Why do I need to be saved? How does God save? What do I need to do to be saved? These are great questions that we hope to be able to answer for you.

Saved from what?

In regards to salvation, we are saved from the wrath of God and His judgement of sin (Romans 5:9). All sin is ultimately committed against God and because of that, the just penalty for our sin is eternal hell. Biblical salvation refers to our deliverance from the consequence of sin and therefore involves the removal of all sin.

Why do I need to be saved?
We are all sinful people (Romans 3:23). We are born with sin (Psalm 51:5), and we all personally choose to sin (Ecclesiastes 7:20; 1 John 1:8). Sin is what keeps you separated from God and is what has us on the path to eternal destruction. The reason you need to be saved is so that you don’t go to an eternal hell. Once you are saved, you will have a right relationship with God, and will inherit eternal life in heaven.

How does God save?
God saves through Christ who died on a cross (John 3:16-17). Specifically, it was Jesus’ death on the cross and subsequent resurrection that achieved our salvation (Romans 5:10; Ephesians 1:7). Scripture is clear that salvation is the gracious, undeserved gift of God (Ephesians 2:5, 8) and is only available through faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).

What do I need to do?
All you must do is receive, in faith, the salvation God offers (Ephesians 2:8-9). This involves repenting of your sins, a changing of mind about sin and Christ (Acts 3:19), and calling on the name of the Lord (Romans 10:9-10, 13). God is offering you salvation as a free gift.

“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31).